Trains, Tribes, and Towns

This exhibit was made possible through support from:
City of Pasco ∙ Franklin County Commissioners ∙ UPS Store-Pasco ∙ Marilynn & Dave Baker

Northern Pacific Railroad Construction, 1870-2020
A Franklin County Museum Sesquicentennial Exhibit

William Mackay, Railroad Parade (1940 New York World’s Fair Poster)
Franklin County Historical Museum Collection

The steam locomotive Minnetonka shown above was the original NPRR engine sent to construct the historic line across the Pacific Northwest. After completion of the route in the 1880s, the Minnetonka operated out of the Pasco, Washington, railyard until restoration in the 1970s for exhibit at the Lake Superior Railroad Museum in Eagan, Minnesota.

This exhibit made possible through support from
City of Pasco ∙ Franklin County Commissioners ∙ UPS Store-Pasco ∙ Marilynn & Dave Baker
Franklin County Historical Society Museum Photograph Collection
Italicized text quotations from the writings of novelist Zane Grey

Museum Location

305 N 4th Ave.
Pasco, WA 99301


Wed. – Fri.: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Sat.: 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Closed State & Federal Holidays

Phone Number


Marmes Man Exhibit

The broad rocky expanse that follows the course of Highway 395 from Pasco and Franklin County to Spokane follows one of the principal lobes of the Northwest’s legendary Channeled Scablands. In some places the terrain resembles an alien landscape with evidence of unimaginable cataclysm that evoke visions of...

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